What we do best
Project Planning
Our core business is to create professional schedules for construction projects across various industries. Ranging from commercial high-rise construction in capital cities to mining and resources projects in remote areas, we have developed fully resourced schedules and controlled them during the project period, helping companies take up the most effective methodologies, analyse their status and deliver projects with success.
Schedule Standards
Our experience has enabled us to produce comprehensive and logical schedules, exceeding industry standards. We know commonly used software packages for planning quite well and we can use their capabilities to achieve what we want.
We use the most widely used software packages to develop schedules such as Primavera P6, Microsoft Project and Asta PowerProjects.
Our project schedules are fully resourced with man-hours, crews, financial values and material quantities which can be used to produce financial analysis (like cash flows), work force and Earned Value analysis (like S-Curves), physical progress analysis (like KPI Reports) and other meaningful, easy-to-understand reports.
Creative Methods
During the past years we have been able to apply creative methods in producing and communicating our programs to a wider audience who do not necessarily have the time or skills to read detail programs. Please visit our 4D & 5D Planning page to learn more.

Sample Reports.

Based on percentage of Man-hours (Labour), Comparing Earned Value, Planned Value & Remaining Value

Comparing actual value of Progress Claims against the progress value of the project which is calculated automatically by the schedule

Demonstrating the required crew sizes (number of men) based on various disciplines through the project

Demonstrating the quantity of consumed material through the project as KPI's

Demonstrating multiple graphs, each showing a KPI for the same project

Demonstrating Project Finish Date (trend) for every reporting period

Demonstrating Cash Flow through each Separable Portion of the project

Demonstrating total required work force for a sample FIFO project which requires R&R Coverage

Demonstrating various disciplines' resources from within Primavera